Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Forks are for eating, tridents are for ruling the Seven Seas

I've been catching up on The Big Bang Theory.  Such a quirky, funny little show.  I had seen this episode a couple of weeks ago.  Then recently, Kyle and I went out to eat for a date.  This clip came to mind.

Kyle and I went out to eat at Olive Garden, and what should I notice?  My utensil was a three-tine fork.  Excuse me, a trident not a fork.

I think it is funny that the girl in the clip mentions going out for Italian food, and an "Italian" restaurant is where I find the three-tine fork.


  1. lol! i also love the big band theory! and i have been weirded out by the tridents at the olive garden. they feel funny against my lips when i'm using them.

  2. yeah - supposedly Italians used 3-tined forks because it is better for pasta ?
