Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another Game of Tag

You're supposed to complete the sentence and then tag 7 others to post on their blog. If you read this and wanna play, consider yourself tagged!

In six months I will be: Taking finals
In 1 year I will be: one year closer to finishing school
In 5 years I will be: 40. Hopefully, I will have a nice new job, a new house and a new car!
In 10 years I will be: 45. I could even be a grandma then. Ugh! Perish the thought!
I will be 70 years old on my golden anniversary and will: still be alive and kicking!


  1. yeah - let's not talk about being grandmas at 45, ok? yikes! I mean I know mom was, and that was all good and cool for ther (thanks to us), but seriously.

  2. let's see, nursemom was 41 when she had her first grandchild. now she has how many? 19 and, according to her facebook, one on the way. wow, at her age, 20 grandchildren. gives you something to shoot for.
