Monday, August 24, 2009

Homebody, not by choice

The elementary school where I have worked for the last 2 years was unable to work around my BYU class schedule, so, I was not hired back. I learned this 2 days before school was to start. I have looked online at other job postings within the school district. I have applied to 4 of them. I have also thought about substitute teaching. So, that is what I am doing today, revising my resume and going to the temp agency. While I would be limited in the type of subbing jobs I could take because of my schedule, I figure some income is better than no income. Hopefully the subbing is just until I can get hired on as an aide at another school.

I have also had the time this week to study for finals for my 2 online classes. Chloe and I have run errands and cleaned the house. I admit, it has been hard to wake up in the mornings. I know I need to get up to get the kids up for school. But I don't have the drive to get myself up and go workout before going to work since I don't have work. It's like, what's the point of getting out of bed?

I'm just not proactive to structure my at home time. I should set a schedule; when to workout, when to study, when to clean, when to play on the computer. I love making lists, so this should be up my alley, my problem is sticking to the plan.

Not having a job at this time makes me worry about bills. My tuition for this semester was paid by my mini-scholarship. Today I noticed I have a Pell Grant credit to my BYU account, so I will be paid that in two weeks. That will help with book costs, maybe get a laptop for my studies. I had applied for student loans to help with living expenses, I don't know when those come in. Kyle wasn't too happy about my getting loans. He's still paying off one of his student loans. I feel that after I graduate, I will get a job making more money where I will be able to pay off the student loans. I'm not worried about the future finances, I'm worried about the current ones.

I hate being in limbo.


  1. check into perkins loans, They forgive the debt if you work 5 years. Or atleast that used to be the case.

  2. I hope that subbing works out for you. Or that something else comes your way that might work out better.

  3. "Student Loan" is my middle name! =)

  4. yeah... well, tell him we grew up robbing Peter to pay Paul, and as long as we keep ourselves spread throughout different states, and continue spreading the financial burdens around a bit, we'll be able to keep Peter off our tail a few more years. In the meantime Paul just keeps gettin fatter! lol!
