Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Baby is Going to School!

Wednesday marked the first day of Kindergarten for my youngest child.  
My baby is going to school! 

I walked to school with the kids.  I took pictures of Chloe with her backpack and ready to go.

Then I took a picture of Chloe at the school.

Then I took of picture of her outside of her class.

After we put her stuff in her cubby, she went into the classroom.  The teacher had Chloe find her seat and begin cutting a kite.  I barely got a goodbye from her.

I didn't think I would cry.  I don't think I cried with the other kids.  Isn't school just a part of life?  Why cry?  What's so sad about it?  I'm not one of those moms who aren't able to let go of their children.

So, I'm leaving the school, I see the principal, I think about telling him that he has the last of my kids.  I don't even get those words out.  He says hi, asks how it went, all I could say was "good".  Then he says it's going to be OK.  I don't think I sounded choked up, but I realized that I was getting choked up.  My baby is going to school!  So I called Kyle right away to tell him that Chloe was sitting in her class.  He too sounded a little sentimental.

After school, she had lots of stuff to tell us and show us.  She has a couple of kids in her class that she knows from church, so I think it helps that she has some ready-made friends.  She was also able to walk to school with her brother, his friends and their sister which is her friend, but in a different Kindergarten class.  She was excited that she got to walk to school with Aubrey.
My baby is going to school!


  1. awww, how sweet! she's so dang cute in her little chair cutting out that kite.

  2. Okay, Chloe CANNOT be this old...I still remember you writing down all of your Dr. info in case you went into labor at work!

  3. did you take any pictures??? hahahahaha!

    Here is what I wrote on Kienna's first day of Kindergarten:

    Today was Kienna's first day of school. I held her hand as I walked her to the line. There was anxiety. There were tears. When the bell rang, she looked at me and said, "It'll be okay Mom... you can let go of my hand now..."
