Thursday, January 8, 2009

Caffeine Junkie

I have become addicted to Diet Vanilla Pepsi or Coke. I can easily slurp down 4 cans or more a day. I guess I figured, "Their diet right? So I'm not taking in all that sugar and carbs."

Flashback to a few years ago; we are walking up to the store and the kids see a guy smoking outside. One of them comments that he is a bad man because he is smoking. I say that he is not bad, but has made a bad choice choosing that habit. We discuss why people would want to smoke when we know all the illness it causes. (The kids have taken DARE and health in school and are experts on health and fitness). I state that we all do things that aren't good for us. They of course reply with "uh-uh". So, I mention that they drink lots of soda pop and that is bad for you. Then I go into all the evils of soda pop.Evils: sugar rots your teeth, sugar and caffeine make you hyper, it leeches calcium from your bones, it leeches water from your cells putting you in a state of dehydration, cola stains your teeth, causes headaches, etc.

Now, fast forward to Dec. 2008 issue of the Ensign. There is an article about the amount of caffeine in soda pop, energy drinks, and comparing it to coffee and tea. It was a real eye opener to me. I already knew the aforementioned 'evils' of soda pop, but this article validated what I knew and taught me some more.

So, this past Sunday I had the last can of my Diet Vanilla Pepsi. I've referred to it as my last ceremonial can. I have not had any soda pop since. Today is Thursday and I've already had two close calls. I was at work with a caffeine withdrawal headache and craving a diet Coke. I texted my husband for moral support.

Tues. 12:30pm Naomi: I need a diet coke
12:31pm Kyle: Don't do it man.
12:33pm Naomi: But I NEED it!
no response from Kyle, he must have thought I succumbed.
1:00pm Naomi: Holding strong. Still drug free.
1:01pm Kyle: Be strong junkie!

I'd like to take this moment to say, Hi, my name is Naomi and I'm a soda junkie. (Hi, Naomi.) It's been 4 days since my last drink. I've suffered withdrawal symptoms, but with the help of Tylenol and the support of those around me, I've made it this far.


  1. You are now my newest hero for giving up an addiction. You've taken the first step and we're all here for you. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU'RE STRONGER THAN CAFFEINE!

  2. Step one: Admit there is a problem...Good for you. You are right that everyone has made choices that they would have been better off not making. Bad Habits, whatever you call it. Proud of you to just saying NO. Keep up the good work. Ditto to Greenolives "you are stronger than caffeine."

  3. Going cold turkey has been hard. I have succumbed to having some soda pop this weekend, but it has all been caffeine free!!

  4. So did you make it the whole week then without caffeine? I think you should keep us updated about how long it's been.

  5. a few of my inlaws are addicted to dr pepper. it's just so sad.
