Saturday, February 6, 2010


I got two new puppies. They were free!  Kyle said I could have one, but I was able to talk him into two.  They are both girls.  Their mother is an English Pointer.  The owners weren't sure what the dad is.  They think he is an australian shepherd (some dog that belongs to the neighbors).

We are trying to pick names.  We can't agree, so I thought I would post their pictures and get your suggestions.

One is white with black dots and spots.

One is gray with black dots and spots.

 Ain't they sweet?


  1. Cute! Now you'll be up in the night like us!! Yay! Are they boys or girls? We think one should be cookies and one cream. :)

  2. flotsam and jetsam. murky and lurky. bandit and jack. alice and flo. maple and willow. mirabelle and maxine. fluffy and muffy. schmoopie and poopie. precious and treasure. that's all i got for now.

  3. lucy and lacy, pitter and patter, apple and cherry, muffin and cupcake, sugar and spice, sarah and rose.

  4. sarah and rose? hahahahaha!

    what about Amish nick-names for them? Like one could be Gook-Henry and another could be Squinter or something along those lines! hahahahaha!

    Peaches and cream? Or after Candy bars - Snickers? and.... Twix?

    I dont know... I got nothin.

  5. OOOOOOhhhhh so cute. Your daughter is going to have so much fun with them.

  6. Are you crazy? how did you talk Kyle into it? I am verrrrry surprised.

    Okay so let's see about names....
    "gotcha" then when you call it out from behind a bush people will laugh.
    "see you" for the same reason as above.
    No really, bread and butter
    mommie and daudy
    henry and beulah
    punkin and chunkin
    honey and sugar
    sweety and darlin
    What? you don't like any of those?
    How about Irish names? Colleen and Bridget
    Fiona and Elise
    Go look up on your baby name list

  7. She wore me down by asking about once a week. Can we have a baby? No! Can we have a dog? Probably not. So that's a maybe? And she did that over and over until I caved in on one free puppy. Now she had me. You can't just have one puppy! It needs a friend! You don't want it to grow up a loner, an outcast. It has to have a friend! Is the friend free? Yep. Whatever. So that's a yes?

  8. Sassy Molassey told me that since I have the dogs, that's the last he wants to hear talk about babies.
