Saturday, March 7, 2009

Educational Games

So, the teacher I work with found out about a website, It has all sorts of games. We were checking out the puzzle and strategy games to see if they were appropriate for the classroom. There are times in transition of activities and lessons that we will let the kids have a bit of free-time while we prep. So, now I'm hooked on this game 3-D Logic.

Here's the scenario: We just finish reading groups and have about a 10 minute transition till then next group. I quickly put away and get out the stuff I need, look at the clock, and think, "Oh, I have 4 minutes to play". So I get on the computer and start my game picking up where I left off. Those 4 minutes just fly by when Mr. Hays say, "Apple Q!" (If you have a Mac you know this to mean an automatic close of whatever program you are running).

Everyone, including me says, "Aww!." I mean, I just got on! ugh! I'm just as bad as the students.

I was stuck on level 16 for three days. I finally pass it and have gotten to level 19. Mr. Hays asked me to show him what I did because he too has been stuck on level 16. I was unable to show him because I forgot what I did. And, I only passed it on my home computer, so now at school I am still stuck on level 16.

Anyway, we found lots of good games the work the brain in ways the kids may not be used to, and some games that we can use for OT (occupational therapy) because of the eye-hand coordination.

While the students think they are just getting free-time, they don't realize that even in their games we are trying to educate them.


  1. I worked on 16 a little today and gave up. I know I've done it before but it was a long time ago.

  2. right. "educational"... uh-hmm.
