Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy 17th Anniversary!

May 1st was my anniversary.  To celebrate Kyle and I went to Salt Lake City for an over-nighter.  We went to a restaurant called The Roof.  It is on the top floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  We had a nice view of the Salt Lake Temple and the city below us, and of the sunset set across the valley at the Oquirrh Mountains.  The food was delicious.  It is buffet style.  There were sections of appetizers, salad bar, main course, soup & sides, and of course, dessert.  We had Monterey Chicken, Marinated Flank Steak, Pork Roulade, ham and prime rib as our main dish.  I had french onion soup, and some coconut shrimp appetizers, a salad, and pasta.  then for dessert I had strawberry cheesecake, brioche, creme brulee, rum ball (which I didn't know what it was until after I had a bite and we asked the server what it was because I couldn't place the flavor), peach crepe, and a chocolate covered strawberry.  For dessert Kyle had an eclair, peach crepe, chocolate cake.  The servers bring you hot rolls and refresh your drink.  I had a pomegranate lemonade and Kyle had a peach lemonade.  Even though all of my portions were small, there were a lot of portions.  I felt like I ate so much I could puke.

We stayed the night at the Little America.  We just laid around like beached whales and watched TV.  We slept in and took it easy in the morning.  When we got hungry (which wasn't until about 9:30) we went down to their breakfast buffet.  Oh  man, I ate myself silly again.  I had bacon, sausage, strawberries, grapefruit, pineapple, blintzes, a cream cheese danish, hash browns an egg benedict, apple juice and chocolate milk.  Kyle had a biscuit and gravy, bacon, hash browns, oranges, melon, ham, 2 blueberry muffins and Dr. Pepper.  They also had a section where you could have your omelette custom made.  After breakfast we lounged around the hotel room again.  Checkout wasn't until noon.  Kyle took a nap, I watched TV.

After we checked out, we went to IKEA.  It was on the way and we've never been there.  It's pretty big.  There are lots of ideas.  We got a new pillow for Kyle and some magazine holders.  We also bought some Swedish food, an apple soda and a sparkling apple-pomegranate juice.  There is a restaurant there.  Maybe after we get a new house (who knows when that will be) we could take the kids there for a meal and to get decorating ideas.

It was a nice relaxing weekend.


  1. That sounds so nice. I love that restaurant, its really really delicious! Staycations are the best. Happy Anniversary!

  2. that sounds cool. i've heard about those ikea stores, but i've never been. i think that i would like it. i'm glad you got your money's worth as far as all the food goes.

  3. Congratulations! I'm glad you had a nice anniversary, you need some time off. :) (When I went there I totally took pictures of what I want my house to look like someday, I also will never be able to afford it haha)

  4. very nice.... glad you had a good time.
