Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Last month I took the PRAXIS exam which is the teacher licensure exam.  (Doctor's take the MCAT, Lawyers take the LSAT).  Today the PRAXIS exam results were posted.  A passing score is 150 out of 200.  The average range of performance scores is 151-176.  The median score was 164.  Those who score in the top 15% earn the Recognition of Excellence.  They will be given a formal recognition certificate and congratulatory letter from the Educational Testing Service.

The PRAXIS scores 4 content areas; Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science.  So, now that I've built it up you are wondering where my score fell. Well, I passed!  I scored a 192 and I am in the top 15% of candidates and have earned the Recognition of Excellence!

Oh, yeah! I am so smart, S-M-R-T, I mean, S-M-A-R-T. (sung like Homer Simpson)


  1. That is so awesome. Good job! I bet Kyle and the kids are soooo proud.

  2. awesome! that's great! so, now what does that mean for you? does that mean you are a licensed teacher now?

  3. I will become licensed once I finish classes. It seems weird to take the test before you finish taking all the classes but whatever.

  4. That's not fair! I scored in the top 5% on both this one and the Praxis II and they didn't do squat! I'm writing a letter to someone who cares right now!
    Isn't a good feeling to have it over with though? PRAXIS was such a swear word for many years....

  5. Din I tell you that praxis makes perfect?

    Way to go... you get that from your Dad I am sure
