Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

We all went the the LeFevre home.  We have a standing invitation to party with them every year for the New Year. 

The evening started around 8pm. There were many snacks: deviled eggs, little smokies, cheese ball, shrimp salad dip, crackers, chips, cheesy bean dip, chocolates, puppychow, pecan tartlets, soda pop, egg nog and sparkling juices.

There were many games: One Word, Mumbo Jumbo, Apples to Apples, Catchphrase, and Mormon Mouthful (which is like Mad Gab but phrases and words are specific to the Latter-day Saint culture).

At Midnight everyone had a sparkling juice, we clinked glasses, toasted and gave our honey a first kiss of the year.  Then there were fireworks outside at the curb.  They looked beautiful reflecting off of the snow.  We had poppers/snappers and confetti.

Some of the couples left soon after that.  But a few of us kept on with the games.  We got home before 3am.  A good time was had by all.


  1. i went to a party, too, but we left around 12:30

  2. sounds like fun. I was in sleepy-dreamland by about 10:30p and woke up when the little girls went to bang their pots and pans on the front porch and yell "Happy New Year" and then I made sure the doors were locked and went back to bed.

  3. Happy New Year to You and Yours. My wish is for a very good and successful year.
