Monday, January 4, 2010

Here we go again

I've had a nice Christmas Break.  I've slept in almost every morning, just hung around the house, and got to play with friends.  But now it is time to get back to the real world.  I tell ya, I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning.  My bed was cozy and warm, and I was having a nice dream.  But the alarm went off, I got to get kids off to school.

I start another semester of school today.  I did well last semester, all A's and B's.  This semester I have five classes which total 14 credit hours.  I have Humanities, Living Prophets (these two classes are some generals that I need to finish), Secondary Curriculum & Practicum, Social and Behavioral Strategies, Teaching Reading for Special Ed. (these three are for my Special Ed. major).

While I got A's and B's, some of those B's were very close to being C's and some of those A's were close to being B's.  This semester I plan to be more organized and not procrastinate (as much).  You may remember  previous posts about a run to Walmart at 1:00am for supplies for a project due that day, or pulling an all-nighter studying or putting together a project.  I plan to be on top of things this semester, hopefully I will be able to avoid unnecessary stress.


  1. I hear you about not wanting to get out of bed this morning. Good luck this semester.

  2. i start next monday... i am excited and yet, not. good luck.

  3. I read this morning and crossed my fingers that you were in my humanities class...and you were! How exciting! :)

  4. i hope you find it easy to do your studies.
