Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year's resolutions

I have been thinking about, and discussing with my classmates about New Year's Resolutions.  Each year my resolution is to exercise more and to lose weight.  I start off pretty good for a few weeks, but for some reason taper off.  I think because it takes almost 6 weeks to really see the results that I get discouraged after 2-3 weeks.  I just don't stick it out long enough to see the fruits of my labors.

I've been thinking of what other things I want to start or stop.  One of my sisters mentioned that she doesn't make resolutions, she thinks of expectations.  I like that.  What are my expectations for this year?

1.  I expect that I will exercise at least 4 times during the week.  I expect that I will have more energy and will lose weight by exercising.
2.  I expect that I will not procrastinate my homework.
3.  I expect to get A's and maybe some B's this year.
4.  I expect that I will start an internship this Fall.
5.  I expect to be able to help out more in the house work.  My husband has picked up a lot of slack because I have been focused on school work.
6.  I expect to pay off debts to become financially solvent.
7.  I expect to fulfill my callings better.  Sometimes I feel like I just do enough to get by.  But this year I want to not just get by, but to do my best.
8.  I expect that I will be able to use my tax return to put on a new roof this summer and do other needed renovations to the house.  I am hoping to be able to sell the house.  We need a bigger house because we are just busting at the seams.
9.  I expect that my family will be able to work well together and earn lots of money with our BBQ booth this summer.
10.  I expect that I will be able to travel and visit family members this summer.


  1. that all sounds great! i hope you can get into a bigger house, or add on to the one you have.

  2. i expect you to do all those things too!!! ;)
