Monday, January 18, 2010

Sweet Sassy Molassey

There is someone posting comments on my and my sisters' blogs.  They are under the name Sweet Sassy Molassey.  There is a mystery to find out who this person is.

I did a little research and googled the name hoping to gain some insight to the name.  This is what I found online.
Ray Romano on Saturday Night Live as a Sports Newscaster

I also tried to look at the picture and see if this person has a blog.  Their profile pic is just a classic Marilyn Monroe, and they do not have a blog themselves.

The mystery continues.  Perhaps this person could leave us some clues.


  1. Oh, well now I know who it is. This person should definitely have a blog. I would read it everyday. I didn't realize this person would know that I have a magicJack but I guess they do.

  2. yeah - i had that one figured out from day one!

  3. especially when he commented on something his wife did! lol!

  4. He saw the post I did and wasn't happy about it. He felt I gave him away by mentioning the Marilyn Monroe picture. That was the photofunia pic where it puts your face in.

  5. shoula kept it a secret from him, cause now he has to get another handle
